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December 16, 2021
Workplace incidents can have long-term, far-reaching consequences. Discrimination, retaliation, harassment, bullying, policy violations—these situations threaten safety, morale, productivity, and the reputation an employer has worked hard to establish. The human resources team must be fair, impartial and thorough in…
December 6, 2021
Starting your training with an icebreaker activity makes sense for a lot of reasons. This article will help you understand the purpose of icebreakers and suggest a few that you might use. Download Document…
December 6, 2021
Customize this Training Template PowerPoint for your supervisors. Contact our Learning team if you would like help on facilitating a class or training session: (866) 440-0302 or view our training library for courses to supplement your plan. Download Document…
December 6, 2021
This training template is a PowerPoint that you may customize for your organization to provide training to your supervisors. Contact our Learning team if you would like help facilitating a class or training session: (866) 440-0302 or view our…
December 3, 2021
If your organization is preparing to discuss how training can strategically support the company now and in related to future goals, it is time to consider a well-developed training strategy and plan. This toolkit can support your development of…
December 3, 2021
Managers may use this tool to encourage practicing and recalling the benefits of a training, as well as to demonstrate their support for the learning process. Providing tools such as these to management can remind them of their role…
December 3, 2021
Managers may use this tool to help prepare staff mentally for a training course and to demonstrate their support for the learning process. Providing tools such as these to management can remind them of their role in supporting and…
December 3, 2021
Training essential for an employee’s success or career development often benefits from a discussion with the trainee to help them identify key takeaways and how they can implement training on the job. This tool can help. Download Document…
December 3, 2021
How can you make sure that training is and is a long term source of knowledge for your participants? This article can help you identify techniques to help participants continue connecting with information well past the original training. Download…