Technology Skills Courses

Excel LOOKUPs are powerful and versatile functions that can save time and effort when working with large datasets, and they are some of Excel's
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This course will familiarize learners with Excel, helping them to create, enter, and edit text, values, and formulas, save workbooks, and move and copy
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Pivot tables are the perfect solution when summarizing and analyzing large amounts of data. You can access a whole new information set in just
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Cybersecurity refers to ensuring information integrity, confidentiality, and availability. Cyberattacks are a significant threat for which employers and employees must maintain awareness and constantly
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Learning Excel tips is highly beneficial for anyone working with data or spreadsheets regularly. Understanding keyboard shortcuts, formula shortcuts, data manipulation techniques, and data
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This course covers the skills and concepts needed to use Microsoft Word. Participants will learn how to create, save, and navigate documents. They will
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