When data drives decisions, you attract and retain the best people.

Stay competitive with Catapult’s salary, benefits, and policy data.

Catapult has been delivering data-driven insights to North Carolina employers for years. We found that most research on business trends focused on national and global standards, without reflecting our unique regional circumstances. So, we set out to benchmark regional employers’ people strategies, surveying them on salary, benefits, policies, and trends.

Our reports have become required reading for employers in the Southeast. Our survey team collects and analyzes data from hundreds of employers of all sizes and industries throughout North Carolina, with significant representation from small to mid-size organizations.

Our regional and national survey reports support your data-driven people strategy, so you’ll attract and retain the best talent.

Every year we work diligently to collect the most up-to-date information, then translate the results into business intelligence to help you create competitive compensation and rewards packages.

Catapult research helps you:

  • Analyze job descriptions by industry, geography, and size of organization
  • Remain current with the latest HR policies and business trends
  • Make confident decisions about your pay practices
  • Compare your company’s benefits package to your competitors’
  • Develop strong talent management and total rewards packages

Our surveys are open to all regional companies, so if you’d like to participate contact us at (866) 440-0302.

Catapult members have unlimited access to all our research reports. To learn more about this and other valuable resources open to members, check out the benefits of membership page.

Our Surveys

NC Wage & Salary Survey
Provides comprehensive pay practice and salary data for employers across N.C. Covers company wage structure, pay practices, base pay increases, and detailed job data (salary, bonus, range) for 500+ jobs.
National Wage & Salary Survey

Representing more than 20 states and 46 geographic areas, this survey includes data for 151 benchmark positions. Covers managerial, supervisory, and professional positions as well as office, technical, and industrial positions.

National Executive Compensation Survey

Attract and retain executives with compensation information for top management, including base, bonus plans, stock options, and other long-term incentives. Includes 1,400+ participating organizations nationally, representing 9,000+ executives.

National IT & Engineering Survey
Data for 180 benchmark job classifications in IT and engineering from 1,200+ organizations varying in location, size, and industry.
National Sales Compensation Survey
Focuses solely on compensation for sales professionals. Provides compensation data from 850+ organizations and 1,000+ locations for positions in sales management, outside and inside sales, and route sales.

Identifies local, regional, and national business trends. Reflects actual and projected business trends, including organization challenges, staffing/hiring, retention, and pay strategies.

NC Healthcare Benefits & Cost Survey
Provides a comparison of plan designs, premium costs, and cost-sharing arrangements to other local organizations. Data collected from 640+ employers throughout N.C.
NC Policies & Benefits Survey
Representing employer policies and benefit practices for 460+ employers throughout N.C. Provides employers with a local perspective regarding core/current trend topics in HR policies and employee benefits practices.
Catapult Holiday Survey
Provides information on holiday plans for N.C. employers in the upcoming year. Employers report number of paid designated and floating holidays, observance of holidays for which holiday pay is provided, and specific operating plans for major holidays.
NC Benefits Cost Survey
Conducted every two years, this survey is an abbreviated version of the NC Healthcare Benefits & Cost Survey that focuses solely on medical, dental, and vision costs (no plan design) as well as cost-sharing arrangements between employee and employer.