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January 20, 2020
Apart from a resume – possibly completed by a professional – often recruiters are not that familiar with a candidate’s written communication, yet much of professional communication in our world is done by email. Email’s benefits during recruiting and…
October 24, 2019
[Updated June 10, 2020] Before you begin your prescribed discipline process, stop and ask yourself what your intended outcome is.  Are you trying to change behavior or punish?  There are times, when ‘punishment’ may be appropriate.  For example, if…
November 16, 2018
Anyone who has taken a Psychology class likely remembers Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.  The hierarchy is expressed as a diagram resembling a pyramid, starting with a foundation of physiological needs and advancing up to the highest level, Self Actualization.  …
September 22, 2017
If you are experiencing angst over the upcoming “turnover tsunami”, then remind yourself that focusing on the basics is still best. While COVID-19 may come and go (we hope), the reasons that employees come and go do not change…
September 22, 2017
Opinions won’t always match. Staff won’t always share the same point of view. Miscommunication is inevitable. In the workplace miscommunication can be blamed for a significant amount of conflict and the tension that it stirs. It would be unrealistic…
September 15, 2017
Employees sometimes express interest in working a second job the employer has advertised. (i.e., mowing, landscaping, etc.)  Or, an employer may ask an employee to temporarily fill-in an open position.  This situation raises an important question: What are the requirements of…